What we're all about...

Wake County District Court Judge Anna E. Worley, elected in 2008 and up for re-election in 2012, has been a controversial figure in Wake County family courtrooms. Parents' stories range from curious to downright shocking. As a custodial parent required to endure Worley's apparent lack of wisdom and seemingly arbitrary decisions, I am fighting back against a system whose very slowness and apathy has caused great suffering for my children. After nearly 3 years in Judge Worley's "family" court room, I have emerged with sole legal and primary physical custody of my three children. As thankful as I am for my own personal custody hell to be over, the years spent in Judge Worley's courtroom, the months spent awaiting orders rendered to be entered, the letters written to staff and the Chief Justice to force entry of a final order were nothing short of excruciating for my three children and myself. I will work tirelessly to ensure that I make the public aware of Worley's philosophy, rulings, and courtroom demeanor. Citizens must vote from a position of knowledge rather than ignorance.

25 April 2012

Protest Worley's Re-Election: Friday 27 April at 21 Glenwood Avenue

     This Friday April 27 from 5:30-7:00 PM, a group a folks will gather on the public sidewalk outside of 21 Glenwood Avenue.  Worley will be holding her third campaign gathering, and Parents Against Judge Anna Worley's Re-Election has obtained a permit to picket between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00 PM.  If you would like to show your support for removing Worley from the bench, just bring yourself downtown Friday at 5:30 and we will provide you with signs and flyers.

     This will be a silent protest, respectful of all businesses around Glenwood South.  Our goal is to raise public awareness of Worley's judicial record.  Voters have a right to make their own choices, and we hope to provide them with accurate information to make that decision with clarity and consciousness.

     Join us if you will!

Visit Daniel Barker on Facebook: Let's Get the Word Out!

     Daniel Barker has a great Facebook page!  Please check it out!  Honestly, I am not a big fan of Facebook, as I find it boring to read small snippets rather than in-depth articles; however, most folks love it and it seems to get the word out faster than most other internet venues.
     Please review his page and if you feel Barker is someone you can support, then get active.  Support his campaign by volunteering, putting a sign in your yard, sending out mass emails to friends and colleagues, donating funds. 
     This time next year, let Worley be a thing of the past!  Vote May 8!

24 April 2012

Barker Tops the Judicial Candidate Evaluation Survey

     Daniel Barker beat Worley and Gilliam in the N.C. Bar Association's Non-Incumbent Judicial Candidate Evaluation Survey (Barker and Gilliam) and the Judicial Performance Evaluation (Worley).  In fact, in the 10th Judicial District, Barker ranked second (missing the number one spot by a paltry .06 points!) amongst the other non-incumbents.  His overall performance score is 4.28, topping Worley (3.16) and Gilliam (3.42).  Worley is the bottom of the barrel between these three candidates, making the voter's choice simple.
     Peruse the survey yourself (Barker is on page 8).
     Show up May 8!  Cast your vote for Barker!  Make a difference for Wake County Families!

18 April 2012

Worley: The Kim Kardashian of Judges?

     On her web site, Worley focuses on her volunteer experience.  In fact, it's really the bulk of information listed.  Here's the intro paragraph to her most recent lengthy delineation of her volunteer jobs:

"Our founding fathers promised justice for all, and I have done what I can to maintain that promise. I have chosen to participate in groups and organizations that work to protect those with the least access to resources, the least access to education, and the least access to justice."  Worley goes on to list every place she has volunteered since the turn of the century ad naseum.

     The problem is this: whatever skills one might gleen from such volunteer experience, those skills still do not translate into her showing up on time each and every day to start court at 9 am.  What's Worley's point in spending so much time and internet space telling us repeatedly what a fabulous volunteer she is?  As the sole legal custodian of my children, I have sat in Worley's courtroom waiting and waiting and waiting for her to commence court.  9:15-9:30 has been the typical start time in a Worley courtroom.  Adding salt to the wound, Worley often sits in her courtroom office, talking and cackling loudly with courtroom staff during the time those expecting to have their cases heard are waiting for her to start.  Most of us are professionals and are accustomed to a normal workday and respectful colleagues. 

     Her apparent egregious pattern of flagrant tardiness is compounded by the fact that often when she does start to hear a case, she apparently has done no preparation and frequently spends the first 5-10 minutes after calling the parties to the front reading through the file while everyone sits in silence.  What a waste of time and resources!

     Is Worley the Kim Kardashian of judges?  Kardashian is a fraud and an imposter in the Hollywood social scene; is Worley following her path?  If so, unfortunately for Wake County children, the consequences may be devastating.

     Vote!  May 8: Daniel Barker!


Vote Daniel Barker!

     Daniel Barker is running against Worley and David Gilliam in the May 8 primaries.  Parents Against Judge Anna Worley's Re-Election supports Daniel Barker and hopes you will as well.

     Please peruse his thoughtful and informative web site, which includes the Independent Weekly Candidate Questionnaire.  Barker is a straight shooter, has children (silent cheer), and is actually deeply involved in his community.  His words are better than mine, so please take a few minutes to read through his answers.  I've included one here which so accurately assesses the root of the problem in Worley's courtroom.  We need Barker!  Get out and vote, people!

Barker says,

The most important issues currently facing our District Courts in Wake County are the inefficiency of the system and the high volume of cases. While these issues are distinct, successfully addressing the first issue, will ease the difficulties caused by the second. Historically, efforts to solve problems in government have typically begun with community leaders asking for more resources. In our current economic climate, requesting larger budgets is neither fiscally possible nor politically popular. In short, we are going to have to figure out a way to solve the problems of overcrowded and inefficient courtrooms without spending more money. As a district court judge, I would address these important issues in three ways. First, I will be efficient with the resources we have, starting with time in the courtroom. Arriving and beginning Court on time is critical to the efficient administration of justice when we have such busy dockets. Second, I will advocate for the smart use of technology to improve efficiencies within the district court where the same can be done without interfering with the fairness of proceedings to the parties. For example, expanding the use of web-based scheduling systems currently used in our domestic courts. Lastly, within a given court session, I will schedule matters in a way that will most effectively use the court’s resources while being respectful of everyone’s time.

Independent Weekly Withdraws Endorsement of Worley

The Independent Weekly has withdrawn its 2008 endorsement of Worley as a result of her poor performance as Wake County Judge over the past four years.  Please folks, allow me to just gloat and do a little invisible victory dance!  Read the Indy article below or check out the full text here.

District 10 (Worley seat)

Incumbent Anna Worley, 41, was elected to the judgeship in 2008. However, over the last four years she has received ample criticism for how she runs her court, including her own tardiness. Worley ranked last in the N.C. Bar Association's 2012 Performance Evaluation Survey for District 10, with a score of 3.16 out of 5. Her lowest scores came in administrative skills (2.84) and legal ability (3.2).
For these reasons, we are endorsing Daniel Barker, 46, a lawyer with 18 years' experience in civil and criminal courts. In his questionnaire, he listed the inefficiency of the legal system and the high volume of cases as the top priorities facing District 10. He understands the budget constraints and yet he details several easy administrative and cost-effective improvements: showing up to court on time and using web-based technology to schedule and run the court room efficiently.

Barker is well-respected among his peers. We were impressed by the sense of humanity with which he approaches plaintiffs and defendants: "I will endeavor to administer justice in a fair and impartial way and to do so with kindness and respect for all who appear before me. As long as a judge acts fairly and impartially, exhibits kindness to all in the courtroom and treats every person with respect, while a party may disagree with a ruling or judgment, at least they can accept it, knowing that they received a fair hearing."

Charles Gilliam, 62, a self-described conservative, is the third candidate.

06 April 2012

Worley: Please Submit Your Candidate Profile

April 16 is the deadline for candidates to submit their profiles to the 2012 NC Voter Guide.  I am waiting for Worley's to go up.  I am hoping for some very detailed information in her candidate statement.  Maybe she will address some of the questions in my 22 March "A Few Questions" posting.

Voter's Guide: Gather Info Before You Vote!

Please the 2012 N.C. Voter's Guide regularly during this election year.  Take your voter responsibility seriously and make sure that if you are casting a vote for a candidate, you know the philosophy and political agenda of that candidate. 

Judicial Activism

Corruption in the U.S. Juvenile and Family Courts. Full version (Pts 1,2)

Original info: This is a brief preview of an incomplete documentary about the abuses of America's Justice system, particularly in the family courts.
All credit goes to: Paul Ciccotelli, who originally uploaded parts 1 and 2 of Deconstructing America. http://www.youtube.com/user/paulciccotelli